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Room To Bloom - Day 4: Redefining Space
During my meditation this morning, I had an aha moment. So before we go into the other 10 days of tips, I need to ask you...
When we enter our homes, it would be wonderful if we wanted to be there.
If our homes looked and felt just right for us, whether we live alone or, with a houseful of folk.
But it hit me, many people are plagued with clutter and disorganization because they are dissatisfied with their living arrangements. It may not necessarily be that you DON’T like where you are, you just want something else.
Today I want to talk about where you want to live and how you feel about where you live.
Is your current residence your dream home?
Are you living in the city and state you want to?
Is somewhere else calling to you but you feel you can’t leave because of [fill in the blank] reason[s]?
Do you want to live where you live?
Why do you live where you live?
If the answer to any of these questions is no, that greatly affects how you see and feel about your present home.
Sure, there is high value in making the best of where you live, and doing all you can to make it a wonderful experience.
However, if you consider your current residence temporary or dissatisfactory in any way, that’s how you will treat it.
You’ll never get the furniture you want.
You’ll put off buying the appliances, decor, etc. that, in your mind belong in your dream home
You won’t invite people over.
You’ll find reasons not to spend time there yourself.
I totally get that. I’ve lived in beautiful spaces, so-so spaces and a hole in the wall. I’m planning a move as we speak. In each place I did the best I could with what I had, but I wasn’t feeling full or nourished there.
Right now you may not be able to afford anything else, or, depending on where you live, may not able to make significant changes like flooring or hanging artwork. You may not have the space to do what you want.
That doesn’t mean you can’t do the best with what you have.
Not living where or how we desire to live creates resentment.
That resentment spills over into our relationships, what we cook, the energy we put into our food, our health, everything.
A friend told me, you have to treat where you live like it’s an emergency. Why? Because it is. Where and how you live determines how you show up in the world. It's your womb.
Sit down with your journal and start visioning your idea home. Get as detailed as possible:
How large, how many bedrooms?
Apartment or house?
What city? Which State?
Do you prefer city, country or beach living? A culturally diverse college town or a cabin in the woods?
Do you want a terrace, porch, big backyard? To live alone or with people?
Begin to brainstorm. Let your imagination run free.
When you’ve finished writing HOW you want to live… Come back to WHERE you actually live.
What can I do NOW, no matter how small, to bring some of my vision to life in my current space?
What do you need to start doing to manifest the future home of your dreams? Get started!
I love hearing from you. Please feel free to reach out to me via Facebook, Instagram or email with your questions or comments. Let me know your thoughts and and ways you've implemented these action steps into your home.
Love, Pleasure & Prosperity!
Holistic Home & Health Coach