you are the altar & you are the medicine

signature Selah* Soak
perfect for when you have a day off; when you are overwhelmed, stressed and/or exhausted!
Water is medicine Bathing is one of my eternal rituals. I believe in the power of full immersion.
Below is one of my favorite bath rituals for stress, overwhelm and exhaustion. In order to experience the full benefits of this luxurious ritual bath, make sure to set aside at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted time.
– White or pink rose petals [buy a bouquet, or ask the florist if they will give or sell you the leftover rose petals [no more than $5.00]
-1 cup Epsom salt
-1 cup of coconut milk
-Rose & lavender oils 5-10 drops each [you can also use vetiver, ylang-ylang, bergamot, chamomile, or frankincense]
Your favorite relaxing music [optional]
You may prefer to take a quick shower beforehand.
-Prepare your tea to sip while in the tub.
-Burn a candle or your favorite incense.
-step into bath & dunk head, briefly, underwater
-take three deep breaths with eyes closed
-self massage your body starting with the crown of your head to your feet and back again.
-Give thanks for each area as you touch it.
-sit and soak in the energy you’ve created
When you have completed this ritual, make sure to clean the tub of rose petals and oil residue.
NOTE: This is an optimal pre-bedtime ritual. If you have to get back to your daily routine, allow 15 minutes or more before re-entry. The Selah Soak recipe can also be used as a footbath.
Selah: Hebrew word loosely translated to mean pause or rest.