Day 2: Clear Space
The general belief is that clutter is physical mess.
Actually, clutter is anything unaddressed; that which no longer serves you.
It's anything that robs you of your energy; whether it’s people, a place, a habit or a situation.
Today we are going to look at your physical space. Take a moment to do a walk through of each room in your house. What is the main purpose of each room? Are the things currently in it serving that purpose? Is there anything there that nags at or annoys you? Is there anything that seems out of place or doesn’t belong?
Next, choose ONE SMALL area of ONE room to declutter. I recommend the kitchen table, countertop, bathroom counter or your wallet/purse. Why? This is to ensure you finish and experience success. The biggest mistake we tend to make is trying to declutter and clean everything in a weekend or a day. We love to buy storage containers, cleaning supplies, even furniture before we even assess what we need! Forget it! All that is just busy work and procrastination. It doesn’t work like that. You have to build up your ‘declutter muscle’ If you haven’t built up that muscle, aka the habit of organizing and order, you’re setting yourself up to fail. It’s like trying to run a 26 mile marathon after only walking around the park for a week! The key is consistency. Let me help you break it down into small, but effective bites.
Great! You've chosen your one small space to work on. Let's go:
Separate all items in that space into three (3) piles:
What you absolutely want or need (please skip the "I may use this one day" song; we've heard it) :)
To be given or thrown away
1. Take the items you choose to keep, put them where they belong. Now.
2. With those things you choose to give away, take a moment. Give thanks for the purpose it served you and your home. If you are giving it away, think of who would appreciate it—whether it is someone you know or perhaps a hospital or shelter. Blessing is important because energy travels. You want the things that you are sending away to carry good energy with them to the new spaces they will occupy. Even if you are disposing of it, it’s good to practice gratitude in all things.
3. Those items you are uncertain of, push yourself to make a decision.
What is keeping me from keeping this area/my home disorderly?
What consistent action can I take this week to change that?
My mother taught me how to keep an orderly home, but I unconsciously rebelled by refusing to be like my mother. It was my way of acting ‘grown’. What got my attention, the first time, because it took me a few lessons to GET it, was my house literally caught fire. That’s a story for another day!
Ask yourself, what area of my life is ‘cluttered? What are of my life do I need to clean up? What do I need to let go? Take a moment, breathe and journal what comes up.
Once this daunting task has been executed, pause, breathe and feel the energy around you shifting. Yes, it will be that fast. The rooms you’re changing will be ready for new inspiration.
Decluttering can be the hardest part, but it’s so worth it. I love hearing from you. Please hit me up on Instagram or email me and let me know how it went.
Love, Pleasure and Prosperity…
Holistic Home & Health Coach
Space Alchemist
Next: Day 3-Digital Declutter
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