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"May your heart be an altar.” Rumi
“After this time, finding as my mother said, I had none in the world to look to but God, I betook myself to prayer, and in every lonely place I found an altar.” [memoir of old elizabeth]
“Build for me an altar made of earth, and offer your sacrifices to me—your burnt offerings and peace offerings, your sheep and goats, and your cattle. Build my altar wherever I cause my name to be remembered, and I will come to you and bless you. Exodus 20:24
"Place yourself upon the altar.
YOU are the altar." Hakikah

Day 13: Altar
An altar is an ever-changing, constantly evolving sacred space. It can be as small as a matchbox or it can fill up an entire room. Your altar is a place where you can center yourself, meditate, work magic, or prepare yourself for the day. In short, your altar can be whatever you want to be.
Altars serve as representation of our relationship with the sacred. To our altars we bring our desires and intentions. It is a vessel to bring us into alignment with the divine. It is a reminder and centering tool of that which we have created it to represent. In and of itself it has no power except that which we ascribe it. The power is yours.
Types of Altars/Sacred Spaces
There is no limit to the kinds of altars which can be created. Healing, ancestral, manifestation, creativity, love--these are some of the kinds of altars you can create. Some people decide to have one main altar, which may change over time as different needs or occasions arise. Others choose to create a special altar with one particular focus. Some may construct a multi-purpose altar that combines a variety of themes. Whatever yearning you hold in your heart, whatever you hope for and dream of, these will serve as guides for deciding how you want to use your altar.
For example, there are 'subliminal altars'. Each item displayed in our homes, whether we realize it or not, makes a statement about which of our values and family traditions we wish to emphasize. Carefully placed photos, trinket, jewelry, books or inherited objects reveal to others some of the values which are cherished by the home's occupants. For example, by grouping together family photos on a wall, you may have unknowingly created a memorial or ancestral altar which communicates to others the message that family is important to you.
Essential to the power of the altar is the inclusion of representations of the four elements that are the building blocks of the physical universe: earth, water, fire, and air. Also related to the cardinal directions and the four aspects of human nature (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), they act as holograms of our reality. The elements are commonly represented with: crystals (earth), shells (water), candles (fire) and feathers (air).
Another essential component of the effective altar is the symbolic representation of our gratitude for the many gifts we have received and continue to receive in this here on earth. Simple items such as food (particularly sweets) or money may be used to serve this purpose.
Creating an altar in one’s home, or anywhere, for that matter, is a sacred act. The altar must be tended with respect, honor and gratitude. It must be cleaned and cared for and not left unattended for prolonged periods of time. Just like other aspects of your home, our altars are mirrors of our state. Whenever my altar is in disrepair or neglected, it is a sign that I too am in need of attention in some area of my life.
What makes for a ‘good’ altar?
Let's start with the essence of an altar: to honor Divine energies, express gratitude, give offerings and ask for blessings and protection. When you think of Divine energies, or blessings, what images are coming to mind, what colors, symbols?
Find images that speak to you of love, devotion, protection, or any other feelings you associate with the sacred. These can be statues or images. They don’t have to be fancy or overly ‘spiritual’. I’ve found taking your time assembling your altar, finding things that resonate with you: a leaf, a rock, a word stone, a mirror, are as effective as creating what you THINK an altar should look like. The most beautiful altars are the ones that are infused with personal meaning, the ones that have a strong energy connection to the person who created the altar.
I created an altar for my mother who transitioned in 2015. I created it on my dresser top, using her vanity set as the platform. In addition to candles, incense, and a photo of her, I also added her favorite perfume Chanel No. 5, nail polish and her earrings.

Think of an image that will center the energy of your altar and serve as a focal point. It can be of a religious figure or I chose my mother’s portrait. You do not have to start with many items, in fact, the simpler the altar is, the more powerful it can be.
Another approach is to create an altar with natural elements, such as rocks, a plant and a water feature and no images. You might also want to look for some beautiful fabric for your altar. One for my favorite altars was on a co-workers desk. It consisted of a small candle, anointing oil, and a rock. It was simple and beautifully sacred.
There are 3 items that are common for many altars because they help create an elevated energy, as well as purify the space. These are:
1. Candles
2. Incense or Essential Oil Burners
3. Crystals
Once you have the items for your altar ready, start by finding the best spot for it.
Start with a space that is higher than the floor level, best to find space on a shelf or on a table surface. Choose a spot that you do not use for practical purposes, meaning you will not have to disturb the energy of your altar to use the spot for other activities.
Make sure to clean the space well, as well as do a mini - space clearing session for the area, this will assure a fresh, clean foundation for your altar. Spend a bit of time clarifying your intent, or saying a prayer. In other words, focus your attention and be completely present.
The next step is easy - place the items you chose in the way that speaks to you the most. Trust your intuition as to the right placement, and know that it is actually good feng shui to move your altar items often and keep the energy flowing and fresh.
The energy of your altar will get stronger in time and is powered by your attention to it, so be sure to keep your connection to it. Light a candle, burn fragrant incense, spend some time every morning or night in silence by your altar.
Your altar will inevitable change in time, so trust that you do not have to have it all perfect when you start. Sometime a candle and a crystal might be all you need to begin with. It is the energy you feel and your desire to express it that matters the most.
You can sure have more than one altar in your home, a travel altar that goes with you, as well as several altars/sacred spots in your garden or office.
The sky is the limit when it comes to expressing your creativity and your love for the Divine. There are no rules. You can’t get it wrong.
Eventually, one comes to realize that every spot, every step and every moment is sacred. And, any place where you find yourself becomes an altar, as you yourself are sacred.
Below are photos of various kinds of altars. Take your time and build yours with love and intention.
Love, Pleasure and Prosperity!
Holistic Home & Health Coach

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