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We are in the home stretch. Now we implement the ‘finishing touches’.  That’s where Purification or Space Clearing  comes in.  What do I mean?  


Space clearing: 


  • Cleanses out the negative,

  • Raise the energy and positive vibration of the space,


Every space has energy and doing a space clearing, especially a home, a space where you want to feel nourished and safe is very important.


Everything is energy. Even though it’s unseen, it’s certainly felt.


For example:


We’ve all had the experience of entering a room and feeling uncomfortable, or something is off, even though nothing is ‘happening; we feel it.  More than likely you are experiencing the remaining energy of an argument that has taken place in that room because the vibration of the argument (which has it's own energy vibration) has affected or imprinted itself in the rooms energy and can linger long after it has ended.




When entering a room that makes you feel immediately uplifted and light...

You are responding to the free flow of pure, light, positive energy.


We feel that way around certain people too.  Sometimes we call it 'vibes.'


Space Clearing is not limited to just your physical space, it applies to your your body, your chakras, and affects your mental, physical and spiritual well-being. In addition to smudging yourself, it's a great ritual if  you are moving into a new home, after an argument, when someone with negative energy leaves your space, and as a weekly maintenance tool.  


Anyone can benefit from a good clearing and cleansing; you will be amazed at the improvement to your health and well-being. In 2017, I became a Level II Certified Reiki Practitioner, and began practicing on myself daily.  In addition to the physical benefits, I  became much more centered, calmer, thoughtful and lighter in spirit.  I feel well. 

Throughout the world, ancient civilizations have performed sacred ceremonies to instill beneficial energy into living spaces.


However in the modern world these traditions have dissipated and withered away.

Now we are once again seeing  the rebirth of space clearing.

The long forgotten ceremonies, skills and methods are once again being used to clear away negativity and infuse our homes with vibrant and uplifting energies creating a sacred space for us to function to our highest and greatest good.

The past week or so, you’ve been working on yourself and the physical aspects of your home. Today is about clearing your home of unwanted, stagnant energies.


For example, did you know that paper clutter carries energy?  It’s a slow, draggy energy, like molasses.  It’s one of the reasons why when you begin to go through papers you feel draggy.  All the information on those papers, represents thoughts that are held there. It’s also why clearing clutter is the chore we hate to tackle and are slow to finish, if we ever do!


Space clearing, purifying the energy in your home, transforms it into a sanctuary.  

Once you have cleansed and cleared your space, it feels much better. As discussed on Day 11, Mirrors and Manifestations, sometimes, in what seems to be mystical and miraculous ways, your health, relationships, prosperity and abundance improves and expands.


It’s spiritual hygiene for your home.



"You are responsible for your own energy and you take responsibility for the energy you bring into any space." [Oprah]

11 Steps to Space Clearing and Purification. 



1. De-clutter the room[s] you are about to purify.  NOTE: This is optional. Sometimes, depending on the situation, it helps to clear the space before hand in order to banish the stagnant energy that is keeping you from decluttering.

2. Take time to calm, center yourself and cleanse or sage/smudge yourself. Think carefully about what you want this space clearing to achieve, such as a better, healthier atmosphere, improved sleep and overall health or maybe the start of a happier, calmer, more fulfilled time of your life; it is completely personal to you.

3. You can do this alone; if people are present it’s best if they are of the same mind set as you.  


4. Wear comfortable clothing and if possible, be barefoot.

5. Open all the windows to allow fresh air to circulate as you work.


6. If you have a spiritual practice, pray or call in what ever spirits, ancestors, angels are appropriate to you and your situation.


7. Ring bells or cymbals in each corner of the room and in the center to shake up and disperse the stagnant, stale energy. If you don’t have access to a bell, a metal pot and spoon, or clapping is just fine! 


8. Step away from the Febreeze and Yankee Candles and instead, opt for cleansing and refreshing the air with more natural ingredients like essential oils, incense, and sage. Used for cleansing rituals by the Native Americans for thousands of years, these earthy tools of purification help reconnect us to nature and its incredible abundance of natural scents. Light your smudge stick or incense carefully and walk around the room, holding a fireproof container under the stick to catch any ash. Many believe that that tracing the figure 8 can bring in an extra divine element.


Burning sage or palo santo is one of the quickest and easiest ways to clear the space of negative psychic debris. Start by opening the front door and windows in the house. Beginning in the back of the home, walk around the perimeter with a lit sage smudge stick and waft the smoke with a feather or feather fan into the corners of the room up to the ceiling. When you get to the front of the house, smudge the door with smoke and leave the smudge stick outside to burn off or ash it and save for another time. Note:  Be aware sage has a pungent smell, often mistaken for marijuana. If you are scent or smoke sensitive, you can forgo the sage and simply speak your intentions into the room.


9. Finish the space clearing, with either a bowl of salt placed in the middle of the room you have just cleared, or you can place small bowls of salt in each corner to absorb any residual negative energy.


10. Light a candle, and say a prayer of gratitude for your home and/state your wish for the space clearing.


11. Place flowers around your reenergized home and relax.  


You can clear your space daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly. 

You can clear your space any time your intuition tells you is the right time


Congratulations!  It’s Day 12. Your home is well fed and nourished.  I know some of us need to see and hear to learn so I've included an instructional video.  Hope this makes it clear for you!  

As always I hope these ideas are helpful. There is so much more to share, but this will get you started. Please feel free to reach out to me via FacebookInstagram or  Email with your questions or comments.  Let me know your thoughts and and ways you've implemented these action steps into your home.

Love, Peace and Prosperity...


Holistic Home and Health Coach

Space Alchemist

Next: Day 13-Altar

Novice to Smudging? See Below.  

I realize that while many people may have heard of burning sage, Palo Santo or smudged, few have done so.  I apologize.


Above I gave you the link to purchase sage, but didn't tell you what to do with it!  You can also purchase sage and other space clearing tools at any shops that sell crystals, candles and metaphysical items. 


I was asked, "do I burn the entire thing at once?”

The answer is, “no.”

Light the tip of the sage or Palo Santo stick, blow out the flame and get a good smoke going. Make sure all windows and/or doors are open and that there’s proper ventilation. The smoke is meant to collect what’s in the air and carry it out. This will remove negativity, stagnant energies, any funkiness in the air if you’re physically ill. Smudges are also great for removing negative spirits and as well as neutralizing odors.


Make sure you have a good smoke going. It might be difficult with Palo Santo and Sweetgrass since they don’t fire up as easily as the rest of the smudges. You’ll just have to put a bit more work into with those babies.


Again, when smudging make sure all windows and/or doors are open. Get a good smoke going and smudge all the 4 corners of your room. If you’re doing your entire house/apartment make sure to cover each room and all 4 corners within each room.


Remember to say a mantra or prayer and make a ritual out of it. This is sacred work.  Take your time and make it a regular practice. [excerpted from @hausofhoodoo. Thanks for the reminder.]

I've included a short video to help walk you through it.  See below.




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