Day 10: Scent & Sound
Just like color, sound, scent and music have the power to alter our mood and emotions. Sound [Words] can also harm or heal us.
Just like color, sound, scent and music have the power to alter our mood and emotions. Sound [words] can either harm or heal us.
Each of us has our own scent and aural signatures. These scents/sounds evoke emotion and memories. Make sure you connect with what is unique to you and your home and see whether you want to make changes.
The senses of smell and sound are some of the most powerful, often hidden, secrets to elevating your space to new levels.
Music and sound play a big part in my life and in my healing journey. It infuses almost every area and decade of my life. When I hear certain songs, memories come flooding back: Where I was, how old I was, who I was in relationship with, what mood I was in. Music is a time machine. an aural journal that helps me document my life.
Music helps set my moods. When going for a long drive, I love to listen to jazz; when I am in traffic, Funk music. At bedtime, I play sound healing music that works on my chakras, healing my body/mind during the night. If I have a problem falling asleep, I have an app that plays the sound of rain; I sleep like a baby! During my devotion /meditation time, I play my favorite gospel songs. When I workout, music is a must. Sometimes during the day, a song lyric will come to me and I will not rest until I find the entire song [grateful for youtube and music streaming that makes that task simple.] Over the years I've learned that often those songs hold a key/clues to something I need to know, so I no longer just brush it off.
I started a virtual book club this year. Our April book selection is The Temple Of My Familiar by Alice Walker, which I first read in the 80s. One of the characters is a "bell chimist". I didn’t know what that was, but I instinctively knew it was something I wanted to be. Last year I began studying sound healing, and will become certified in 2019. It wasn’t until I was well into the process that I realized I was moving towards what had been triggered within me by the book.
You can become a sound alchemist, it's easy! Make a list of your favorite sounds and of your favorite kinds of music, and the kinds of moods, emotions and perceptions each one stirs in you. Based on what your activity, what kind of music or sounds do you play? On Day 5, Clean Green, I shared my cleaning playlist. Nothing makes what can be a tedious chore go smoother than music!
Make at least one playlist this week using Youtube, iTunes, Spotify or Pandora. Create one or more for different aspects of your life: driving, working out, downtime, etc. It’s your playground.
Is there any type of music you resist?
Why, and under what circumstances would you be willing to be open to it?
Have you noticed that when you are depressed, sometimes all you need to do is to put on music that really gives you joy?
Is the only time you hear music when you are driving the kids to school (or as a passenger in a car with others) and it is a group you would NEVER listen to otherwise?
How can you find more time to connect with the sacred power of music (other than singing in the shower)?
Similarly Scent have the same power
Consider for a moment these common smells:
Fresh brewed coffee
Chicken or bacon frying
Hot out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies, apple pie or bread
Freshly laundered clothes
Just-cut grass on a summer's day
How did you respond to each of these smells? Did any memories surface? Were they good, or not so good?
Think about, then make a list of your own personal favorite smells. Dig deep into your life, especially your childhood.
Each of us has our own personal scent. So do our homes. These scents/smells evoke emotion and memories. Make sure you connect with what is unique to you and your home and see whether you want to make changes or additions.
Which essences relax and bring you a place of contentment and calm. Which inspires, excites or motivates you?
When introducing new smells to enhance your space, it is best to work with those that are as natural as possible, they will have a higher vibration. Natural scents inspire us in a way that manufactured scents never can, plus, they don't pollute the atmosphere. Their purity helps to align us with our inner source. Years ago I would buy my incense based solely on the scent, purchasing from local street vendors. Once I learned that many of those oils and incense are synthetic, I searched for higher quality scents. One recent find is Sacred Elephant incense. It's high quality, and simply divine.
Also on Day 5, I mentioned my use of doTERRA oils. I diffuse them in my home daily. If my allergies are bothering me, as they have been this month, I diffuse Breathe For relaxation I diffuse or apply Peace, or Serenity for a good night's sleep. To help support my immune system, and keep illness at bay, I use On Guard. So powerful, one drop is all you need. Now, just a sniff of these scents immediately brings on the desired effect.
If you are, or live with someone who is sensitive to smells, you can either try very mild scents like vanilla and clean linen candles/incense/oils. Or, if possible, simply open your windows for 30 minutes daily, especially in the early morning. This is a good daily practice regardless, fresh morning air will shift the energy in the room.
Take notice of the scents that are around you on a daily basis. How do they affect you spiritually, physically, emotionally?
Are you aware of your home’s scent? How would you describe it?
We each have our own natural scent; how would you describe yours?
What smells do you not like and why? [fruity, must, floral, etc?]
What were your favorite smells growing up? Do you still have them around you?
Have you introduced essential oils to your sacred space? If so, which ones are your favorites?
As always I hope these ideas are helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me via Facebook, Instagram or shoot me an email, and let me know your thoughts and and ways you've implemented them into your home.
Love, Peace and Prosperity...
Space Alchemist + Holistic Home Coach