Day 11: Home As Mirror
Everything around you is a reflection of your inner self. Especially your home. What you bring in it, how you furnish, how you care for it, influence how you carry yourself in the world, and what you manifest.
Your home is your mirror. It is reflecting back to you your values, your thoughts, your beliefs. Your choices. What do you see?
Breathe, and take that in. Think about it.
Now, what do you WANT?
Prosperity & abundance?
Passion and pleasure?
You can create what you want.
Does your home reflect what you want? When you shift your environment, even if it’s just one thing, you can shift right into what you really want. Sound like a magic trick? It's actually a spiritual principal. Let's try something.
Application: Creating MORE Love in Your Life
Let's get into action. Everyone wants love. Even those who say they could care less. Everyone want to love and be loved in return. [cue Nat King Cole’s Nature Boy]
Think about what symbolizes love to you, then fill your home with it. Is it a particular color? Flower? Add that color and flower to your home, wherever you can. Hearts remind you of love? Distribute them around the house: heart shaped picture frames, pillows, etc. Find pictures of couples, people who look happy together and place them around your house. What scent reminds you of love: It could be musk, gardenia, whatever makes you happy. Don't forget to add scent and sound. Burn candles, diffuse oils, anoint yourself with that scent. Play love music at home, fill your space with sound, speak words of love constantly. Do this to crowd out unloving feelings and thoughts. When you feel yourself slipping, speak, I AM Love. Do this for 30 days.
Your imagination is the greatest gift you've been given; it belongs to you alone. Let your imagination run free!
Learn to live from the end. Whatever you have placed into your imagination, act as if it already is your reality, regardless of what is anyone says.
Assume the feeling of what you desire, this gives instruction to your subconscious mind. This is key!
Call love in! Saturate yourself in it!
Perfect your own world. That is within your power.
I can guarantee the first thing that will happen is that you will fall deeper in love with your self. Folk who do that, attract more of the same. Trust me.
I’m using love as an example, but this exercise applies to everything on the list above, and more. Whatever you want, let your life be a reflection of it. Use the color chart from Day 8 to help you identify the meanings of certain colors. These colors carry a vibration which is attractive. If something doesn’t resonate with you, choose what does.
Be honest. Are you afraid to call in what you want? Do you have any resistance or think it’s silly? Try it for 30 days. Then, if nothing shifts, stop. No harm, no foul.
Get your favorite beverage, grab your journal and give yourself some quiet time. Think about the time[s] when you felt the most loved, most beautiful, most creative, etc. Journal about that time and how you felt. Use that feeling as an anchor and return to it as often as you can.
As always I hope these ideas are helpful. There is so much more to share, but this will get you started. Please feel free to reach out to me via Facebook, Instagram or Email with your questions or comments. Let me know your thoughts and and ways you've implemented these action steps into your home.
Love, Peace and Prosperity...
Holistic Home and Health Coach
Space Alchemist
Next: Day 12-Purification