Day 8 - Color
The vibration of color is essential for the kind of space we desire to create. Color surrounds us: our clothes, cars, jewelry, office and most importantly, our homes. Our homes are our mirrors, and we mirror our homes. The colors we choose can express our deepest personalities and are the external representations of our spirit.
The amazing gift and power of color is the way in which it can instantly transform our homes, a room or object, and ultimately, us. If you are looking to make a big, or small change in your home adding color, especially a fresh coat of paint, is a great place to start.
Imagine a room in pure white -- that represents your inner calm. Notice how your body reacts. Now imagine a room painted a deep shade of red or black, how that that make you reach. How about yellow? You can also have negative associations with colors, it can remind you of a person, place or thing that you'd rather forget. These examples prove how color alone can shift the vibration of a room. That proves the power of color. Choose thoughtfully.
Here is a general chart for colors and their meanings:
Black: Strength, independence, powerful and mystery
Brown: grounding, stability and genuineness
Blue: patience, calm faith, trust
Green: harmony, health, growth, balance, wealth
Orange: vitality, abundance, warmth, excitement
Pink: love, compassion, kindness
Purple: inspiration, intuition, wisdom, imagination
Red: courage, passion, stimulation, emotion
Yellow: cheerful, confidence, happiness, joy
White: purity, simplicity, clarity, peace, clean, calm
When exploring color changes, select one room at a time and give each room great attention. On day one I asked you to visualize the purpose of each room. If you wrote it down, now is the time to refer back. If not, go over it again. Think of the meanings of colors and, as best you can, match them up with the purpose of the room. Bedrooms for example, are great for restful colors: blues, grays, etc. Color wheels from paint stores are a great help as they provide the breakdown of the hue (color), tint (color plus white), tone (color plus gray), and shade (color plus black) for easy matching.
Don't be afraid to take some risks with color ; choose a color that excites you a little. Don't worry about what folk who don't share your home think. This is your personal imprint. When you choose a new color, take it easy. You don't have to paint the entire room or house; once I painted one wall in my dining room black just to see if I would like it long term. [Note: I did!] If you don't like it, it's an easy inexpensive fix, just paint over it!
In India, people add crushed crystals, holy water, ash or essential oils to the paint they use to cover their walls.
They do this to infuse the whole home with sacred blessing. I plan to try this!
What was your favorite color when you were a child? Any special reason?
Why is it your favorite color now?
Where do find yourself most often using that color?
Is there a color you are afraid of using? Why?
Have you gotten stuck in a few colors because they are safe? Why?
Are you ready for a more vibrant color scheme? Is there something going on in your life that provokes a change?
If you could only live with one color, what would it be?
Well, we are at quickly moving towards our 14th day. How is everything going? Have you implemented anything yet? I love hearing from you so continue to feel free to reach out to me via Facebook, Instagram, or email.
Love Peace, and Prosperity...!
Space Alchemist
Next: Day 9-Art & Design