Day 7: Rest As Ritual
A few months ago I polled a few women about the role of rest in their lives. Here is one woman's response:
Me: Greetings! How are you? Listen, I'm working on a project and would appreciate your input. When you think about resting, what do you want? ex: a bath, a nap, etc.
Her: Wow. It depends on what I'm resting from I suppose. Wow. Resting. Lately, I've taken to sitting on my little porch enjoying the sun and not much else for a few moments.
This past winter it felt absolutely delicious to crawl into my bed with a book before 9pm.
I feel my energy kicking up with spring and I find it very restful to shop for produce and experiment with new recipes. I just came back from the grocery and I have a book of Burmese recipes I'm learning.
So, maybe, for me, it's a combination of doing nothing but enjoying my surroundings, and then, creative expression…
Very interesting question. I'm going to continue sitting with it…
“I'll be interested in hearing more about your project. I'm happy to share more. Your question is giving me an opportunity to understand what rest is, to me, and, how I feel in my brain and my body when I'm resting. It's so very interesting!
Right now, I'm preparing shallots for a shallot oil (and, clearly multitasking 😁) and, now that you've asked this question, I'm noticing I feel light in my body, and expansion bubbles in my brain, when I'm doing restful things, whether chopping these onions (totally crazy right? Tears and all) or, sitting in the sun listening to the birds around me. It's a feeling of restfulness...In each experience…"
I love this!
😆 nowwwww, I remember why I ended up texting during chopping. I was looking for some music to play and I saw your message. Distraction!"
Find a way to rest today, and do it! Spend some of that time in nature.
Journal what rest means for you, and how you can incorporate more of it into your week.
Make something beautiful today. Please feel free to reach out to me via Facebook, Instagram or email with your questions or comments.
Love, Pleasure and Prosperity...
Holistic Home & Health Coach
Space Alchemist