The first step to creating a Sacred Space is owning/honoring the Sacred Space within. We've heard our bodies are our temples. Well, so are our homes. We often take them both for granted; barely noticing them until something goes wrong. Our spirit knows what we need and eventually she will do what it takes to get us to turn within and listen. There is a time and place for winging it, however, setting intention and following it with action is key to getting what you want and deserve.
A spiritual practice is a solemn commitment between you and God, the universe, or a higher power, that you will spend time each day in some form of prayer and/or meditation. Like any regular practice, it works slowly and deeply. Over time, it restores our spirits, helps us build a spiritual foundation of faith, and because it helps awaken our own sense of what the sacred is, it is an essential part of creating room to bloom.
I started a revolution within myself when I realized that if I could not give myself 30 minutes of time each day to recharge myself, I was reinforcing that I was not worth it. Then where would I be?
So what if I returned every call, replied to every email, kept every appointment? If I couldn’t honor my SELF, I was in more trouble than I thought.
How does one build a sacred practice or discipline?
Here's how to begin. Make adjustments as time passes.
First, decide when you want to do your practice.
Begin by allowing yourself 15 minutes. Choose morning or night.
Next, make sure there is a space and a time that allows you to be uninterrupted for entire time [even if that place is the bathroom]!
Light a candle or burn incense, if you wish.
Turn off your phone or computer. Make sure to have a journal/notebook or paper and pen.
You can sit quietly, listen to music and/or download my guide 21 Breaths: 7 Day Devotion Practice
Journal anything that rises up; answer the reflection question below.
At the end of your time, say a short closing prayer of thanks.
Try this practice for two weeks and take note of how you feel.
Questions [for your journal]:
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being your ideal), what number best suggests your commitment to your Sacred Space within -- your commitment to Self Care?
If you have a daily spiritual practice, write how it nourishes you and ways you can enhance it.
Do you resist a daily spiritual practice? Why?
What better choices might you make in your daily routine to help create a healthier regimen of Self Care?
When we commit to honoring ourselves, we soon find this healthy regimen is the fuel that supports and provides us with the daily stamina to grace us through any situation. We also find that we didn't know how we ever lived without it before.
Love, Pleasure and Prosperity!
Holistic Home & Health Coach
NOTE: In the days ahead please reflect on the contemplations and suggestions and write about them in your journal. What part o this lesson most inspired you to make change immediately? How will you implement that change before the next lesson? If you have any questions or comments, please email me.
Next: Day 2-Clear Space